Friday, October 15, 2004

Every Day I Remind Myself

**Thank you AOL Editors for this week choosing  "Theresa Williams--Author" as a top-five pick.

"Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other people, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." - Albert Einstein

I found this quote on April's blog.  It reveals the way I feel about writing--that it is a way of staying connected to a positive force.  The only way to truly pass on the force to others is to WRITE. 

This recognition is important for me, because sometimes I feel "guilty" when I take time away from other obligations or pursuits in order to write.  I feel guilty for shutting myself inside a room and spending so much time away from my family.

Einstein's quote turns guilt on its head.



Anonymous said...

This is so cool! Congratulations!  I hope you will get many new readers!

Anonymous said...

If you did not take time away then your family would feel the ill winds that blow because you would not have a way to release them except on them.

Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaaaaaa1 Theresa!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say Congrats for being Editor's # 3 Pick of the week!!!!!!!!Ann

Anonymous said...

very cool indeed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again, Theresa - and congratulations for coming to terms in a healthy manner with what you must do survive and grow.  May we all learn from you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being a pick this week!
I agree with you about writing.
It is my need!!!
I am writing about my sister, Peggy. She has Alzheimer's disease and is in the last stages.
Peggy is only 54 years old.
I write as therapy and to explain how it feels to be on this side of the disease. Also how I see the disease as it progresses.
I hope you will visit sometime.

Mary Louise of Watching My Sister...Disappear

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your editors pick!! First time reader, very interesting. rich