Sweet Lily of This Drama I Call Life tagged me to share my lists of "seven things."
I would like to tag Vicky of My Incentive, Steven of LA Journal, and Beth of Beth's Front Porch (I know, Beth, no promises!) Hope you will all play along--after all, if I'm willing to embarrass myself this way, why shouldn't you be?
One: Things I plan to do before I die
1. Read Moby Dick all the way through.
2. Win a major book award.
3. Pay off my house.
4. Walk the entire towpath trail from the rail bridge to the dam and back, 16 miles.
5. Make a documentary.
6. Get back to painting and drawing.
7. Eat some "real" Mexican food.
Two: Things I can't do
1. Sing.
2. Directionally challenged, I cannot read a map worth beans. Nor can I find my way from here to there to anywhere.
3. Do a push up.
4. Ride fast rides at an amusement park.
5. Lie without feeling really guilty
6. Wear high heels.
7. Go an entire day without reading anything.
Three: Things I can do
1. Pick up objects with my toes, like pencils, pens, and clothespins, and even light clothes.
2. Open those plastic bags in the produce section of grocery stores. (Just call me sticky-fingers).
3. Spell correctly most of the time.
4. Eat really, really hot, spicy food.
5. Make a "meal" out of almost anything left in the refrigerator or cupboards.
6. Whistle out of the side of my mouth.
7. Weave on a floor loom.
Four: Things that attract me to the opposite sex
I must say, chivalry is not dead; therefore I am attracted to the seven virtues of knights. I look for these traits in male and female alike:
1. Courage
Courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
2. Justice
3. Mercy
4. Generosity
Sharing material things and also time, attention, wisdom and energy.
5. Faith
Faithfulness to promises, no matter how big or small.
6. Nobility
Doing the right thing, even in trying circumstances.
7. Hope
A safety net in times of tragedy.
Five: Things I say most often
1. Okay
2. Really?
3. I don't know, maybe.
4. I love you.
5. Where's all my little babies? (Calling my cats)
6. Gracious sakes!
7. Keep your mind and your options open. (to my students and my children)
Six: Celebrity crushes
Oh--do I really have to tell?
1. When I was in my teens, I had a crush on Peter Duel, who starred in Alias Smith and Jones.
2. I always fall in love with Gregory Peck when I see him in To Kill a Mockingbird--there's chivalry!
3. I fell in love with Charles Kurault whenever he talked about art and nature on Sunday Morning.
4. I thought Brad Pitt was really something in Thelma and Louise.
5. I fell in love with Johnny Depp in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
6. James Spader, who plays Alan Shore on Boston Legal has enough darkness, gentleness, and gruesome wit to keep me interested. (Well, I have to balance out the light of Atticus Finch somehow!)
7. Cat Stevens
Uh-oh. I'm still "it" from being tagged for the book list. However, I strive to have the virtues of a knight-ess, and will fulfill my promise with a strange little twist. Now I am really in your debt...or maybe I secretly like being "it." But Theresa...really, you can't sing? I don't know how I'll make it through today.--Beth
I like your answers!
I see I am not the only one that calls all her cats babies!
I see I'm not the only one with a pretty demanding list of what makes the opposite sex attractive! For what it's worth, I've never made it through Moby Dick, can't really wear high heels, and I'm so directionally challenged my husband says I can get lost going to the bathroom.
Oh, ALL RIGHT!! Something else to keep me from the boxes! Meanwhile - I'm with you on the lying - I can't do it!! Now my sister could tell the most dreadful stories and get away with it when she was little - how I envied her! And as for the spelling - yup, I may have to include that myself. Can't wait to hear you whistle out of the side of your mouth! As for Gregory Peck and Brad Pitt in those two roles - oh, yes, baby!
Yay! Thanks for doing this! I really love your answers!
Grr. Hmm. Let me think about this. A while. You know who has a conscience and can't resist following out a challenge, huh? This is going to be difficult.
Maybe in response to this, I should issue a challenge to the three of you.
Let's see. It should contain the following elements: a) attending my 43rd birthday party at an Irish pub, somewhere in the British Isles; b) drinking a lot of Guinness; and c) reciting aloud -- just the three of you -- in its entirety "Anna Livia Plurabelle" from Finnegans Wake; d) Providing live music by the English quartet Arethusa Oboe Quartet, who would be hired to play only Philip Martin music, concluding with Martin's companion piece to this memorable chapter.
DISCLAIMER: 1) I've never heard any of Philip Martin's music, but I know he wrote the Plurabelle thingie; 2) This is not entirely my idea. I once responded to a similar challenge in 1996, when a close friend flew over during my graduate work at Breadloaf. We took the ferry to Ireland, spent the weekend roaming, and ended it all by missing our ferry, and thus reading the above chapter in a crowded Dublin pub (sorry, Vicky. Around us, a host of geriatrics sang ancient Irish tunes, each one sounding drunker than the last.
the OLD Cat Stevens ... or the NEW incarnation?
didn't you find 'OH BABY IT'S A WIDE WORLD' incredibly patronizing?
Hello Theresa,
I'm dedicating this to you for the work you're doing with me on my novel, Mennonite Prince.
It's a quote by Lao Tzu:
A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him.... But of a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, 'We did it ourselves.'"
Bosox: Old or new Cat Stevens: it doesn't make any difference. And, no, I didn't (and don't) find "Wild World" Patronizing. I'm trying to understand why I would--because he says, "Don't be a bad girl?" Or that he wants to remember her "like a child"? I find the sentiment quite human. In the context of young love, of people moving from adolescence to adulthood, it seems quite natural.
Hi, Theresa. Back after a lingering illness & a trip out of town for C.E.U. credits.
Chivalry! Yeaa!!
Hi! I'm Hannah! Linked here from Lily's.
Seven Things I plan to do before I die:
1: Get a book published
2: Go to New Zealand
3: Bungee Jump
4: Get my black belt
5: Direct a movie
6: Get another book published
7: Have eighty million zillion horses
Seven Things I Can Do:
1: Write fantasy
2: Tae Kwon Do
3: Read fast (my record is ten books in a week)
4: Sleep until three in the afternoon J
5: Identify almost every dog breed recognized by the AKC and some cat breeds too!
6: draw
7: talk for hours on end
Seven things I cannot do:
1: Fly
2: dance (without choreography)
3: keep posters off my walls
4: walk in flip-flops lol they always fall off: D
5: “duel” yu-gi-oh with my brother. Its so annoying
6: dry my hair. Well I can but I wont
7: watch a movie without talking about why this-or-that is not possible.
Seven Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex:
1: Personality
2: eyes
3: religion: Good Christian guy!
4: fitness
5: nerdy-ness they have to like Harry potter, lord of the rings well pretty much all fantasy
6: love of animals: gods creatures are the bomb
7: shoes no ugly shoes here!
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1: “That reminds me of something from Harry Potter”
2: “Caleb I said NO”
3: “HORSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!”
4: Something concerning a book a read
5: “I’m hungry.”
6: “ I hate math, its so boring.”
7: “*laughs*”
Seven Celebrity Crushes: J do I really wanna answer this blushes ok I’ll put what they’re in hahaha
1: HP: Tom Felton, Daniel Radcliffe.
2: CSI: Eric Szmanda (he’s like thirty though..)
3: SV: Tom Welling only 4 sorry
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