Step One:
You read something that really lifts you, really raises your consciousness, say Emily Dickinson:
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Step Two:
You realize what motivates you to tell stories:
At the heart of the impulse to tell stories is a mystery so profound...--Dennis Covington, Salvation On Sand Mountain.
Step Three:
You decide it's going to be pretty easy. All you have to do is put down how you feel. You are relieved and happy:
If you wish to be a writer, write. --Epictetus (110 A. D.)
You find out it isn't easy:
Human language is a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to when all the while we want to move the stars to pity. --Gustave Flaubert.
You go back to where you started, making space for human failing:
At the heart of the impulse to tell stories is a mystery so profound... Dennis Covington, Salvation On Sand Mountain.
There's a time to be gentle with yourselves. As beautiful as language is, it's an imperfect vehicle of soulful expression--Theresa
So right, so right. While language is such a thing of beauty and purpose to all who love it, even words (or glorious combinations thereof) are limited sometimes. Ah, the frustration! Being gentle with oneself is a lovely thought. We are not raised to be so in this land of achievement and competitiveness. Thank you for your voice of reason, sanity, and compassion, my dear.
"There's a time to be gentle with yourselves. As beautiful as language is, it's an imperfect vehicle of soulful expression--Theresa"
That's a perfect definition of language. I love that. Mind if I quote it? lol
Oh how I love this! Well put! Lisa
All I can say is, "Ain't that the truth."
Owe. Been there. Done that. Good luck breaking the choke hold.
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