Wednesday, November 24, 2004

In Relation to Our Imagination

Read more about Spinoza here.

Benedict Spinoza said, "I do not attribute to nature either beauty or deformity, order or confusion. Only in relation to our imagination can things be called beautiful or ugly, well-ordered or confused."

This quote came from the Writer's Almanac that my friend Beth introduced me to. 

Spinoza's quote reminds me the extent to which we shape our personal reality every day.  The quote helps me to step out of "my reality" for a few minutes and to ask myself how I might have the life I truly want. By giving the right things? Giving UP the right things?  Doing the right things? Thinking the right things?  Being thankful for the right things? 

What are the "right" things?

Story writing is like this, like shaping the reality of our every day lives.  Both make sense of our place in the world. Both need to be done with utmost care 

Both Spinoza and O'Brien make me take a closer look at "truth." 

Right now, I feel far away from being able to say, with certainty, that anything is THE truth.    

I hope this feeling lasts a while. 



Anonymous said...

Theresa...I know the feeling too...and I hope it lasts forever! It's as if a childlike innocence is restored, giving way to copiousness. The key to unlocking the chains that bind you is UNCONDITIONAL reflex. Despite what you may know to be true, one must still 'blur' the big picture before it can be refocused, accepting the new 'colors' as YOU decide how vivid they should be...
As I give thanks today, I'd like to include you for your caring and kind words... We are well and manage to laugh everyday...
Best wishes to you...on this GivingThanks Day!

Anonymous said...

Yes - stepping out of one's personal reality takes great strength and courage.  But it is necessary to see ourselves and the world in a different light - and what a gift to writers!  I'm glad you made it, Theresa!  

And I, too, give thanks today for your wonderful, thought-provoking, and inspiring journal, Theresa.  And for you.

Love, Vicky