I have a feeling that my boat
has struck, down there in the depths,
against a great thing.
And nothing
happens! Nothing.....silence.....Waves.....
----Nothing happens? Or has everything happened,
and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life?This is what writer's block can feel like. It is a feeling of being stuck in the deep waters of your imagination. The boat is your mode of navigating the imagination. Your ability to create has struck up against some "great thing" (your memory or inability to remember, your idea or an idea that will not clarify itself, your understanding or lack of understanding, your need or your desire).
This poem helps me to see that getting stuck is not permanent and will possibly provide some new insight or opportunity. We only have to be patient.
Addendum: Adding to the notion of Writers Block, my friend "B" writes: So, this should be the beginning of a list of all the various kinds of writing and to what degree, if any, I have Writers Block. I write every day, and have written nearly every day, all my life. I even have copies of two letters written when I was ten. So, for me to claim I have writer's block would be insane.
What I have is subject, writing subject block, and that could be a good thing.
So for me, the narrow question for me personally is when am I going to firm up my intention to write something, anything, that can be published. I have Publishing block, not writers block.I really like this idea, and the idea of Publishing block has also been true for me, and for many others, I'm guessing. Thanks for the reminder, "B."
Patience is not my strong suit, but I'm learning. Love the pic.
I can see how this can conjure an image of writer's block. But I like how the writer also asks us to stop and be quiet a moment, to look around. Maybe it is just setting us in a new direction as we open our eyes to a new life. Quieting the mind and stopping all striving can lead us to a wonderful new understanding of ourselves and where we are going.
Theresa...You bring so much to light here. I really think I understand this idea of publishers block. Sometimes I wish there were a way to remember every word or phrase or sentence that scrolls through my mind so I could commit them to paper. As it is now, I always carry a note pad to get down at least some things, but the work situation doesn't always allow time to scribble down all my thoughts. I've always wanted to write a book too but never have taken the avenue to do so. Also, for some reason I don't quite understand, it would seem that I have reader's block. I mean, I don't have the discipline to diversify myself with enough written word. I have been very encouraged by your journal though! Perhaps it's just a matter of enough time and energy. 40 hrs a week at work and the kids really consumes me. I did just recently order a couple new books though(Dr Phil's Family First and that one called Wordweaving) I'm a big time amazon fan and internet shopper. I'd say that at least 90 percent of the kids Christmas comes from there, including this year. I rely heavily on the reviews, especially for books, music and toys. Speaking of reviews, I was very impressed by the ones for your book on amazon. I think I would enjoy reading it soon! Oh, and thanks for your most recent comments...especially the one about tuning in the 'white noise'.
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