Friday, September 10, 2004


It is my duty as

a writer to show

the grandeur, sometimes

naive, sometimes monstrous

and tragic, of life.

some words borrowed from Mircea Eliade, in another context.

*Amendment--Someone has pointed out to me that "duty" is not really the right  word to describe my orientation toward the writing life. 

"Purpose" is more accurate. 

In truth, I am probably anything but "duteous" and have never much liked the word.   I think "duty" implies much more resoluteness (a kind firm knowledge of "right" and "wrong" that I'm not willing to concede).  "Purpose" suggests more of a searching quality, and that portrays my life better.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful!   Looks like "Guernica" !

Anonymous said...

Writing for me is almost an act of survival...I need to express what is bottled up in my is less of a duty than a compulsion.